New Regional Director's announced

24 Oct 2022 by Gavin Westbrook

Good afternoon, H.O.G Community,

You may have seen recently; we’ve been on somewhat of a recruitment drive for Regional Directors in various regions across both Australia and New Zealand. The current and outgoing Directors have done an exceptional job steering the ship the past few (some five!) years, especially through uncertain times around COVID and so forth. So, firstly I would like to take the opportunity to thank each one for the dedication, passion and commitment they’ve shown during their tenure.

With that, I am pleased to announce we have appointed the below Regional Directors to the associated regions:

Hana Grant – New South Wales

Greg Stevens – South Australia/Northern Territory

Craig Davis – Victoria/Tasmania

We are also very excited that outgoing Directors Ken McDonald (NSW) and Andrew Kidd (VIC/TAS/SA) will remain in the program in a newly formed role of Regional Director Mentor. The equity and knowledge these two have built during their tenures was too good to say goodbye to completely, and we’re very happy that both will continue on and help usher in the new Directors and get them initiated into their new roles. The Mentor Role won’t be Chapter facing, and members first port of call remains with the Regional Director, while the Mentor will continue on in a background role helping with training, planning and additional resources.

Carolyn Pobjoy will continue on doing the impeccable work she’s doing in West Australia, highlighted by the recent State Rally at Katanning (along with the Chapter and Members!), which was an absolute hoot and we’re stoked to have Caz continue in her role in the West. We decided to break Northern Territory off from Caz as geographically it made more sense to be linked with South Australia, but her work with NT chapters was again, something to be proud of.

Craig Urquhart will continue to steer the ship in New Zealand, but with his tenure coming to a conclusion soon we are still taking applications from interested parties who think they may have what it takes to lead the H.O.G program in NZ. The Regional Director position still remains open in Queensland too and we are still taking applications for those who are interested.

Marie Stavropoulos continues to support the wider team as we are able to leverage her skills, knowledge and passion across a number of key projects to keep the H.O.G program humming in ANZ.

I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome the new Regional Directors to the program and thank the outgoing ones for their years of service. With rallies happening this weekend in both SA and NSW, I encourage you to do the same if you get the opportunity to do so in person too.


Ben Foster

Customer Experience Lead

Harley-Davidson Australia and New Zealand

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